Friday, April 30, 2010
Feeling Off
For the past two weeks I have been feeling a little off. I have struggled with low energy levels all of my adult life. I go through every day feeling tired from the moment I get up until the moment I go to bed! It is exhausting, let me tell you. Well that all changed when this challenge started. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired, but the good kind of tired you get when you know you have worked hard!! Believe me, I have worked harder than ever before and I have loved this new found energy. I have not only accomplished so much exercise, but quite a bit in my every day life :) YIPPEE!! However, things have taken a downhill turn. For the past 2 weeks I have been completely exhausted and have had severe muscle pain. Yes, I know I have a chronic illness that causes those two symptoms, but I have never felt it to this degree!! I find myself dozing off at all times of the day totally unable to keep my eyes open. Weights that weren't bothering me are now making my muscles shake in protest. The eliptical that was becoming my friend has turned on me! I don't know what is going on, but I've got to figure this out soon. I really hate feeling off my game! I guess it is off to bed for me and hope for the best at the gym with Shan'tel tomorrow!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
In case you are wondering, that has been my day today!! I've been trying to pretend that it is getting better, but I'm not kidding anyone! Pretty much everything that could go wrong did and I am utterly exhausted and would love to fall into a crying heap! Too bad I can't do that...instead I have to finish cleaning up several pee sites from my attempts at potty training my son today, cleaning up the dinner that sprayed all over my kitchen (don't even ask what we ended up eating because it was NOT heart healthy), and I have to figure out what to do for play group in the morning! Well, I better get the car seat covers out of the wash (because they were peed on!) and get the car seats cleaned up to put back together, get the play room picked up, put my clothes covered with soup in the wash, and then maybe I can think about bed.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Quote of the Day
"Timing isn't everything, its something. If you wait for timing to be everything, you will end up with nothing!" Troy Dunn
This was a real eye opener to me about getting active and losing weight. I can always find reasons not to exercise today and put it off for a more convenient time that never comes! I know I have little kids at home and I should focus on them and their experiences, but if I don't improve my health NOW I won't be around later for them. The best thing I can do for my family right now is to get in shape and lose weight.
If you are exercising and improving your health, keep going!! You will see the amazing benefits. If you aren't exercising, there is no better time than the present to get moving and get healthier!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What A Feeling!!
I feel GREAT!! This morning as I was getting ready for church and contemplating what to where, I decided to try a shirt on I haven't worn in quite some time. You see, it was too tight for my comfort so I had stopped wearing it. Well, much to my surprise today it wasn't too tight and was in fact TOO BIG!!! I couldn't contain my enthusiasm! Little victories like this are what keep me moving forward! Let's hope this week continues with more wonderful outcomes!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Today's Exercise Brought To You By....
the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga!! Ever since our Saturday yoga class I've been meaning to work yoga into my exercise routine. Needless to say, it hasn't happened! So today I decided to pull it out and give it a whirl. The beginning was a little rocky with me and the 2 kiddos trying to use my 1 yoga mat. I think together we created some new yoga poses :) After a little while, they got bored and left me on my own, but not without coming to check on my progress. Without fail, they always asked if I was sweating!! They crack me up!!! I have to say the cool down/stretch was INCREDIBLY relaxing, until my son came and asked me why I wasn't doing anything!! Gotta laugh!! Let's see what exercise the rest of the day brings.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Another Milestone...LITERALLY
Well, today marks a new accomplishment for me! I jogged over a mile today!! Granted, I didn't run a mile all at once. I alternated jogging and walking. In total, I covered 3.2 miles and I jogged for a little over a mile of that. To some of you that might not seem like a big deal, but I haven't run a mile in a long time. I guess I better pick up the pace so I can run the 5K on May 22nd!
Funny Realization
Never in a million years did I think I would have a full laundry load of exercise clothes :) It is fun noticing all the little changes in my life!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Time to Face the Music
Well, I have very mixed feelings about last week. I had some of my best workouts EVER and I know I worked out and pushed myself as far as I could!! I am amazed at how far I have come in my exercising and I know I wouldn't be anywhere near this point without my trainer! However, my eating is another story!! Last week was full of emotional eating and I felt like I couldn't reign it in and it just made me disappointed in myself. I know it is going to take more than 100 days to overcome my weaknesses, but I really want to finish the challenge strong and at my best. I guess I need to find a better way to deal with my ever changing moods and situations in my life. Today is the start of a new week and here goes to making it better :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
If Money Wasn't an Issue...
I would install a hot tub in my backyard and I would see a massage therapist once a week!! Just in case you are wondering, I am SORE and headed for more punishment tomorrow :) I guess I better get some sleep then!!
Thank You
Before this competition goes any further, I want to thank several people who are making this possible!
*The Daily Herald for giving us a free paper with an ad for the Heart Challenge. Who knows why they chose that day to give us a paper. If I hadn't gotten it, I wouldn't have known about the competition. Good thing I was inspired to look through the paper :)
*UVRMC, The Wellness Center, Janet, Traci, Riley, Mindy, and all the people behind the scenes who make this possible. You are ALL changing my life and providing me all with this INCREDIBLE experience!!
*All the trainers, especially Catherine for working me so hard! Without you pushing me, I would have no idea what I was capable of. You encourage me to try and sacrifice your time to help me become a better person.
*My mom for being my partner. Thanks for being my "Sweat Sista" and taking this journey with me! Never before in my life have I seen 2 women sweat so much!!! Nobody will ever doubt that we worked hard. Thank you for your encouragement and support.
*To the other contestants in the Heart Challenge, your friendship is invaluable!! Thank you for pushing me to do my best and for your words of encouragement. I can't wait to follow your progress after the challenge is over :)
*To the many friends and family who are providing support, encouragement, babysitting, comments, emails, and phone calls! You have no idea what a source of strength that is to me as I struggle daily to improve my life.
*Most importantly, A HUGE THANK YOU to my husband and my kids!! They have sacrificed A LOT for me to take part in this competition. Scott has altered his work schedule so I can go to our nutrition class and has been a "single parent" many nights so I can work out. He has encouraged me, complimented me, supported the menu changes, and picked up the slack around the house when I am too sore to move. I love you Scott and appreciate you more than I can express!! My kids have missed out on time with Mommy, but they know I am going to exercise. When I come home, they always tell me how proud they are of me! It doesn't get any better than that.
*To those of you who are reading about my journey, I hope I can inspire you in some way to make changes in your life. I promise you, the reward is worth it!!
My Motivation
In case you are wondering what my motivation is for competing in the 100 Day Heart Challenge...
This is my husband and best friend!! He has been a part of my life for 18 years and I feel truly blessed to have him in my life. I want to be healthy so we can spend a VERY long life together!!

My sweet miracle babies, who aren't babies any more. I want to be a great example of an active, healthy parent. I want us to try all kids of physical activities with them. I want to see them grow up and have families of their own.
This is a warning...if you don't want to know too much information, STOP READING!!!
If you're still reading, you can't say I didn't warn you :)
OK, I have a huge pet peeve. I am annoyed with the whole plus size clothing industry. (Yes, in case you didn't know, I am a plus size girl.) I hate that finding decent clothes is a chore. Don't get me wrong, I like to shop, but I don't think finding a needle in a haystack is fun! There are only a few stores to choose from and sometimes all they have is garbage! No, I don't want to wear a tent and no way do I want to show that much skin!! However, my biggest pet peeve is finding a plus size sports bra!! I guess they think if you are plus size that you don't want to exercise-WRONG. Granted, not all plus sized women are well endowed, but I am. For the first half of this challenge I was using 2 different sports bras, one that was good and one that wasn't. I knew I needed to get another one, but where. It isn't like I can walk into any store and get one! The selection is basically non-existant. To make a long story short, my life has been turned upside down by the Runner's Corner.
I know what you are thinking, "What in the world does the Runner's Corner have to do with bras?" Well, EVERYTHING!! My mom and I went there to get another pair of shoes (which has also been life altering) and while wandering through the store, I saw there rack of sports bras. I don't know why I looked because why in the world would they have MY SIZE! Surprisingly they did and my life will never be the same. I have learned that I had NO IDEA what a sports bra was!! I am ready to burn the 2 I have and buy stock in Moving Comfort sports bras!! So, ladies, if you are looking for a great sports bra, head to the Runner's Corner!!
Pain in the...
well, there isn't just one place! It is more like pain in my ENTIRE body!! Last night was the most intense, grueling workout we have had since this challenge began. Let's just say, a 6% incline feels like a warm up or cool down after doing a 12% incline at 3.6 speed for 12 minutes! Thank goodness it wasn't 12 minutes in a row!! After 40 minutes on the treadmill, Catherine let us choose the eliptical or the bike. I started out on the eliptical and quickly changed my mind. I needed to finish my workout sitting down :-) Good thing she didn't make me do lunges.
Having a trainer has been a HUGE blessing. I have done exercises and been pushed like never before!! There is no way I could have gotten to this place on my own and it was what I needed to get started to a healthier life. I have muscles I never had before! It is incredible to me that my endurance has increased so much! I love how working out makes me feel :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Only 6 Weeks Left
When I sat down and counted the weeks left of the challenge, I was so sad that we only have 6 weeks left!! Can't it be more like the 6 Month Heart Challenge?! I have learned so much, but there is so much more I need to learn. I love having someone to push me in the gym and I love the exercise schedule I've gotten myself into!! I guess when the challenge is over, I will just have to make adjustments and keep on going :) I think I better start a plan now because I don't want to be wondering what to do when May 24th rolls around.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Feelin' Better
It is true...exercise makes you feel better :) Today has been a discouraging day and I wasn't sure how my workout would be. We haven't met with our trainer in a week and during our last workout with Catherine I had to stop because I was feeling sick. You add my weight gain and my lack of energy to that and I wasn't sure I was ready to work out!! I'm thrilled to say it was a GREAT workout...hard, but so good!! Level 7 felt brutal on the bike, but I survived. I can tell I didn't exercise hard enough or lift enough weights during my vacation, but I will know better next time. All in all, today turned out to be a pretty good day. Here's to the start of a new week and some new goals!!
Well, today I must admit that I am feeling discouraged! I gained weight on my trip and I know it is because I should have eaten better. I kept telling myself that it wouldn't hurt if I had a little taste of this and a bite of that. Well, it did hurt because the scale was higher today :-( I have got to figure out how to get myself back on track with my food.
Today I feel sore, tired, grumpy, and under the weather and desperately want to take a NAP!! No such luck in getting a nap, but I hope my energy level picks up before our appointment with Catherine. It has been a week since our last personal training with her and I'm worried I won't be able to keep up.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Insight Into Me
For many years, friends and family have lovingly teased me about my love of clothes or about how much I change my hair. Yes, Eddie Bauer is my best friend as well as several other stores. I love finding great deals on high quality clothes. As for my hair, I have had it styled many different ways and have had it colored pretty much any color...except black and the colors of the rainbow :) There is a method to all of my madness!!
You see, I use my clothes and my hair as a disguise. I feel like if people are looking at my clothes and hair, then they won't see me...the part I'm most embarrassed about. For years I have hid behind those things because they were easy to change, something I wished I could do with my body!!
My hope with this challenge is that I can get my body to where I am healthy and comfortable so I can use clothes and hair to accentuate my body rather than hiding it!!
You see, I use my clothes and my hair as a disguise. I feel like if people are looking at my clothes and hair, then they won't see me...the part I'm most embarrassed about. For years I have hid behind those things because they were easy to change, something I wished I could do with my body!!
My hope with this challenge is that I can get my body to where I am healthy and comfortable so I can use clothes and hair to accentuate my body rather than hiding it!!
Workout Report
Well, we just got back from the Community Center and had a good workout!! We did the treadmill, the bike, and we lifted some weights. It was nice to sweat :) I was proud of us for going someplace unfamiliar to workout...even though it felt a little strange, we jumped right in and got moving and sweating. We didn't do the eliptical. The ones they had were very different than what we are used too and couldn't seem to get into a rhythm. That's OK, I will wait to ride the beast until I get home. Until then, we will head to the Community Center for the next 2 days to keep working out!
On the Road
Well, this is my first time traveling on the challenge. My mom and I traveled to Arkansas yesterday to visit my sister who just had a baby. I have been worried about how traveling would affect my routine. Well, it hasn't been too bad. Granted, eating airport food isn't the best, but we found a nice salad to eat for lunch. We didn't get our workout in yesterday, but we did get some walking around the airport. Today we are headed to the community center to work out and it is going to feel good, especially after missing a day. As the trip goes, I will let you know of any insights I come across to help with making travel easier :)
All I have to say though is this 80 degree weather sure is nice! I'm not missing the snow at all!!
All I have to say though is this 80 degree weather sure is nice! I'm not missing the snow at all!!
I'm Back!!
I know I have been on hiatus for a little while. I don't know why I haven't been blogging...I guess from discouragement mostly. I didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to share. I don't have problems fitting in my exercise and I really enjoy how it makes me is the eating I am discouraged about...especially on the weekends. Sometimes with taking care of my two little ones I don't make time to eat lunch and then I end up grazing all afternoon. I need to find the best way to combat it!!! When I eat poorly, then I feel poorly! I have got to figure out the best way to stick to my eating plan.
My workouts have been good. Just as soon as I am getting COMFORTABLE with my workout, Catherine mixes it up and takes my breath away :) It is incredible to think I started on the eliptical on level 1 and the bike on level 4 and how much that has changed!! I can't believe Catherine had me on a 14% incline on the treadmill on Monday!! I never would have done that before!! The weights I am lifting are building real muscle I can feel. WAHOO!! Monday's workout was brutal!! Catherine worked us hard and for whatever reason it really got to me and I started feeling sick. I had to stop before finishing my workout and rest. It killed me to not be able to finish my workout, but I knew my body was telling me that was enough. It is nice to know my body is being worked that hard!!
My workouts have been good. Just as soon as I am getting COMFORTABLE with my workout, Catherine mixes it up and takes my breath away :) It is incredible to think I started on the eliptical on level 1 and the bike on level 4 and how much that has changed!! I can't believe Catherine had me on a 14% incline on the treadmill on Monday!! I never would have done that before!! The weights I am lifting are building real muscle I can feel. WAHOO!! Monday's workout was brutal!! Catherine worked us hard and for whatever reason it really got to me and I started feeling sick. I had to stop before finishing my workout and rest. It killed me to not be able to finish my workout, but I knew my body was telling me that was enough. It is nice to know my body is being worked that hard!!
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