Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The POWER of Food!!

Do you ever wonder how or why food is so powerful?? We use it to celebrate any number of things-weddings, babies, birthdays, graduations, awards, promotions and the list goes on and on. We also use it comfort us-breakups, death, rejection, poor performance, failure, etc. Why do we think food is going to help us, when in fact all it really does is cause us harm. I know we need food to function, that isn't the food I'm referring too. When I'm down, I do not go looking for the celery and carrots to cheer me up :-) I'm taking about the fattening, sugary, chocolately goodness we think will cure all ills and make our celebrations better!!

You see, I was just faced with that very situation today. Someone I love dearly was faced with some discouraging news. In the long run, it probably is the best thing but it is still hard to feel rejected. In trying to find ways to comfort or encourage this person, the first thing that came to my mind was FOOD!!!! I literally thought, maybe I should suggest going out for dinner to help lift our spirits. What am I thinking?? Going out to eat isn't going to make anything better!! What do we think food is going to do, make a teacher change a grade from a C to an A, is it going to make that girl change her mind about going out with the guy at work, or is it going to the boss change his mind on who to hire?? I think that is the biggest key I am faced with in this challenge, changing my relationship with food and taking back the power I give it in my life. Now that doesn't mean I'm never going to celebrate. I'm going to allow myself to eat birthday cake, but just one piece and not at every person's birthday. (I guess that means no cake to celebrate my dog's birthday on Saturday!!) The secret for me is to find the balance, variety, and moderation that is ideal for my health and happiness.


  1. So true, so true. Thanks for putting it into words for all of us.
    Now really, cake for the dog's birthday? Tell me what time.

  2. Maybe just have a doggie biscuit to celebrate!!!

  3. Brittany, you are so good - the way you put your thoughts on paper... Someone told me that understanding is the first big step - but to get our bodies to do what our minds know.... well, that's harder... the fact that you have a family memember to help you is a big plus. When you go to church, family, or school get-togethers, you have a buddy to support and be supported by. It is so great!
