Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Why is it when I am faced with stress all I want to do is eat? The more fattening and chocolatey the better. Right now I have one sick child sprawled out in my bed, the other sick child snoring in his room, and a sick husband on his way home from the ER with my brother and all I want to do is EAT!!! I just keep telling myself..."STAY AWAY FROM THE FOOD!!"


  1. Sorry to hear everyone is so sick. :-( That's some of the hardest times to eat healthy. Hang in there and do the best you can.

  2. Stress and food go together, but leave the TWINKIES alone. Oh, I forgot, you don't like Twinkies Those little pizzas you made were yummy. This week has been a rough week at your house with everyone under the weather but you. In spite of that you've been doing great!!
