Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The End is in Sight...

and I'm scared!! I think it is natural for change to make us all nervous and I am certainly feeling that right now. I don't want to slip back into my old habits!! I have worked too hard to go back to the way I was living. In order to ensure I keep going on my new way of life is to set new goals for the next 100 days!! This isn't over for me yet!!

As the Saturday 5K draws closer, I get more nervous about that. I know the race route, so I'm not concerned about getting lost. I'm not worried about finishing either...I have had some training sessions that could put the race route to shame :-) I just want to do my best and go as fast as I can. I'm sure it will be intimidating to be surrounded by runners and race enthusiasts, but I'm going to give my best all the same. Maybe I should set a 365 days goal of running the Race for Red next year!

To my fellow challenge participants, work your hearts out this week and lets give it our best on Saturday!!


  1. Once you've done your first 5K, you won't be able to stop doing them. Then it will be a 10K, then a half marathon . . . I wish I was there to do it with you!

  2. Good luck in the race!! Please post how it went. :)
