Friday, May 21, 2010

Ready Or Not, Here I Come

Well, I have less that 10 hours before the start of my first race and I have to say, I'm excited!! I think tomorrow will be fun whether it is rain or shine and I'm going to try my hardest for a new personal best!!

Feel free to come watch: 8a.m. at Fox Field, just east of the UVRMC Life Flight landing pad. I will be the one in red...along with about 400 other people :)


  1. You go girl! Wish I could be there! Have fun and enjoy the fruits of your hard work :-)

  2. wow brittany!! this is the first time i've checked blogs until now and I'm so proud of you!! Good luck on your race today!!! I know you'll do a great great job!!! Love ya!

  3. You and your mom are the greatest. It has been a joy to be the other mom/daughter team with you guys. I am so glad we got to know you, and I also love your blogs. Thanks for your good spirit!

  4. Wish I could have been there to cheer you on! Let me know how it went! I can't imagine doing that
