Thursday, May 27, 2010


Congratulations to Matt & Ali, Mary & Bonnie, Dennis & Marlene for winning the 100 Day Heart Challenge!! You all look TERRIFIC and are a wonderful inspiration to us all :-)

It would have been wonderful to win, but what I really wanted was to improve my health. As for my results, they were VERY discouraging and disheartening!!! I have worked SO HARD and sacrificed so much hoping this would be the answer to the struggle with my weight and I find myself in some ways, worse off than I was before this started!!! Of the 12 numbers I was given last night 5 of them went up, 6 of them went down a little, and one (my height) remained unchanged! How can that be??? I saw a little success on the scales and hoped that because of the smaller number I was building muscle and how discouraging to learn it was only 2% change. Really, that's it?!? With all my changes in my eating habits almost every area of my cholesterol is WORSE than before!! Now they will print our results in the paper and on the website and everyone will think I didn't work very hard!!

So, the question is, what do I do from here. Honestly, I have no idea!! I can't double my workouts every day. I think I will go on hiatus to try and figure things out.

Monday, May 24, 2010


So, my performance in the 5K on Saturday was not very good. I know I can do it faster than I did, but I just didn't seem to have the energy. I think there was also some nerves due to the fact it was my first race. So, today I decided to get on the treadmill and do my own 5K and I did VERY WELL!! I ran for about 1.2 miles at a 5 mph speed! It felt so good to do that...but why, oh why couldn't I do that on Saturday. Oh well, I guess that means I need to sign up for another race. In fact, I'm looking at the Running With Angels 5K on Saturday, June 19th. Anyone want to do it with me? If not, no worries. I think I will do it anyway :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ready Or Not, Here I Come

Well, I have less that 10 hours before the start of my first race and I have to say, I'm excited!! I think tomorrow will be fun whether it is rain or shine and I'm going to try my hardest for a new personal best!!

Feel free to come watch: 8a.m. at Fox Field, just east of the UVRMC Life Flight landing pad. I will be the one in red...along with about 400 other people :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, last week I was watching The Biggest Loser and they had an interesting challenge. They had a big bag they carried through a hilly course. In each of their bags they had smaller bags weighing the equivalent of what they had lost each week. When they reached a flag representing each week, they could leave the smaller bag with the corresponding amount of weight they lost. (I hope that makes sense). All of the players started with at least 100 pounds and one player had close to 200 pounds!! It was impressive watching them drag that weight around and it was exciting to watch them get rid of it. When they had gotten rid of all their small bags, they could cross the finish line and throw their big bag over the edge of steep hill to get rid of it. As one of the contestants, Daris, finished he had a very profound thought that in many ways represents my weight loss journey.

"There it is, a little bit of me gone right there. I didn't just get rid of a bag, maybe I got rid of a little baggage!"

It feels good to know I'm not the only one carrying around baggage with my weight!! I'm sure that many of us with weight issues also have some baggage that is weighing us down as well!! Now that I have the tools to deal with my weight physically, I need to deal with some of the baggage that has helped get me to where I am.

I heard a quote recently that sums up what I need to do to continue to be successful in my weight loss. I wish I could remember who said it!

"You can't find peace until you find all the pieces!"

Here is to all of us finding all the pieces in our lives in order to have peace with ourselves!!

The End is in Sight...

and I'm scared!! I think it is natural for change to make us all nervous and I am certainly feeling that right now. I don't want to slip back into my old habits!! I have worked too hard to go back to the way I was living. In order to ensure I keep going on my new way of life is to set new goals for the next 100 days!! This isn't over for me yet!!

As the Saturday 5K draws closer, I get more nervous about that. I know the race route, so I'm not concerned about getting lost. I'm not worried about finishing either...I have had some training sessions that could put the race route to shame :-) I just want to do my best and go as fast as I can. I'm sure it will be intimidating to be surrounded by runners and race enthusiasts, but I'm going to give my best all the same. Maybe I should set a 365 days goal of running the Race for Red next year!

To my fellow challenge participants, work your hearts out this week and lets give it our best on Saturday!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Another Quote

"Happiness comes with the achievement of little goals. With little, tiny steps that you take every single day you'll have a little accomplishment that will teach you a different reality. I'm telling you right now that you have everything it takes to achieve anything you want and it will not be easy, but it will be worth it." Jillian Michaels


Here is a tidbit of info from trainer Jillian Michaels:

Holding onto the handrails of the treadmill can reduce your fat burn by 20-30%!! I had no idea it that much of an affect on your workout.

The Biggest Loser

So, last night I watched some of The Biggest Loser and was inspired by the transformations the contestants have made and what they accomplished! They are incredibly brave people, as are we!! Our transformation and accomplishments are not on the same scale, but WE ARE DOING IT!! To look at our stamina in the beginning and to look at it now is impressive. We have all come so far and it is sad that the competition is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean our journey has to end. I was thinking about all of this while I was watching last night and they shared a quote that really made an impression on me.

"Stand up and finish what you started!"

That is what we all need to do, even when the Heart Challenge is over--WE HAVE TO FINISH WHAT WE STARTED!! I wish I was rich and could buy everyone a membership to the Wellness Center or something equally helpful to keep your journey going. Unfortunately I'm not, but I am here to support you. We must keep this going!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Feeling Off

For the past two weeks I have been feeling a little off. I have struggled with low energy levels all of my adult life. I go through every day feeling tired from the moment I get up until the moment I go to bed! It is exhausting, let me tell you. Well that all changed when this challenge started. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired, but the good kind of tired you get when you know you have worked hard!! Believe me, I have worked harder than ever before and I have loved this new found energy. I have not only accomplished so much exercise, but quite a bit in my every day life :) YIPPEE!! However, things have taken a downhill turn. For the past 2 weeks I have been completely exhausted and have had severe muscle pain. Yes, I know I have a chronic illness that causes those two symptoms, but I have never felt it to this degree!! I find myself dozing off at all times of the day totally unable to keep my eyes open. Weights that weren't bothering me are now making my muscles shake in protest. The eliptical that was becoming my friend has turned on me! I don't know what is going on, but I've got to figure this out soon. I really hate feeling off my game! I guess it is off to bed for me and hope for the best at the gym with Shan'tel tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


In case you are wondering, that has been my day today!! I've been trying to pretend that it is getting better, but I'm not kidding anyone! Pretty much everything that could go wrong did and I am utterly exhausted and would love to fall into a crying heap! Too bad I can't do that...instead I have to finish cleaning up several pee sites from my attempts at potty training my son today, cleaning up the dinner that sprayed all over my kitchen (don't even ask what we ended up eating because it was NOT heart healthy), and I have to figure out what to do for play group in the morning! Well, I better get the car seat covers out of the wash (because they were peed on!) and get the car seats cleaned up to put back together, get the play room picked up, put my clothes covered with soup in the wash, and then maybe I can think about bed.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Timing isn't everything, its something. If you wait for timing to be everything, you will end up with nothing!" Troy Dunn

This was a real eye opener to me about getting active and losing weight. I can always find reasons not to exercise today and put it off for a more convenient time that never comes! I know I have little kids at home and I should focus on them and their experiences, but if I don't improve my health NOW I won't be around later for them. The best thing I can do for my family right now is to get in shape and lose weight.

If you are exercising and improving your health, keep going!! You will see the amazing benefits. If you aren't exercising, there is no better time than the present to get moving and get healthier!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What A Feeling!!

I feel GREAT!! This morning as I was getting ready for church and contemplating what to where, I decided to try a shirt on I haven't worn in quite some time. You see, it was too tight for my comfort so I had stopped wearing it. Well, much to my surprise today it wasn't too tight and was in fact TOO BIG!!! I couldn't contain my enthusiasm! Little victories like this are what keep me moving forward! Let's hope this week continues with more wonderful outcomes!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today's Exercise Brought To You By....

the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga!! Ever since our Saturday yoga class I've been meaning to work yoga into my exercise routine. Needless to say, it hasn't happened! So today I decided to pull it out and give it a whirl. The beginning was a little rocky with me and the 2 kiddos trying to use my 1 yoga mat. I think together we created some new yoga poses :) After a little while, they got bored and left me on my own, but not without coming to check on my progress. Without fail, they always asked if I was sweating!! They crack me up!!! I have to say the cool down/stretch was INCREDIBLY relaxing, until my son came and asked me why I wasn't doing anything!! Gotta laugh!! Let's see what exercise the rest of the day brings.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Milestone...LITERALLY

Well, today marks a new accomplishment for me! I jogged over a mile today!! Granted, I didn't run a mile all at once. I alternated jogging and walking. In total, I covered 3.2 miles and I jogged for a little over a mile of that. To some of you that might not seem like a big deal, but I haven't run a mile in a long time. I guess I better pick up the pace so I can run the 5K on May 22nd!

Funny Realization

Never in a million years did I think I would have a full laundry load of exercise clothes :) It is fun noticing all the little changes in my life!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Time to Face the Music

Well, I have very mixed feelings about last week. I had some of my best workouts EVER and I know I worked out and pushed myself as far as I could!! I am amazed at how far I have come in my exercising and I know I wouldn't be anywhere near this point without my trainer! However, my eating is another story!! Last week was full of emotional eating and I felt like I couldn't reign it in and it just made me disappointed in myself. I know it is going to take more than 100 days to overcome my weaknesses, but I really want to finish the challenge strong and at my best. I guess I need to find a better way to deal with my ever changing moods and situations in my life. Today is the start of a new week and here goes to making it better :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

If Money Wasn't an Issue...

I would install a hot tub in my backyard and I would see a massage therapist once a week!! Just in case you are wondering, I am SORE and headed for more punishment tomorrow :) I guess I better get some sleep then!!

Thank You

Before this competition goes any further, I want to thank several people who are making this possible!

*The Daily Herald for giving us a free paper with an ad for the Heart Challenge. Who knows why they chose that day to give us a paper. If I hadn't gotten it, I wouldn't have known about the competition. Good thing I was inspired to look through the paper :)

*UVRMC, The Wellness Center, Janet, Traci, Riley, Mindy, and all the people behind the scenes who make this possible. You are ALL changing my life and providing me all with this INCREDIBLE experience!!

*All the trainers, especially Catherine for working me so hard! Without you pushing me, I would have no idea what I was capable of. You encourage me to try and sacrifice your time to help me become a better person.

*My mom for being my partner. Thanks for being my "Sweat Sista" and taking this journey with me! Never before in my life have I seen 2 women sweat so much!!! Nobody will ever doubt that we worked hard. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

*To the other contestants in the Heart Challenge, your friendship is invaluable!! Thank you for pushing me to do my best and for your words of encouragement. I can't wait to follow your progress after the challenge is over :)

*To the many friends and family who are providing support, encouragement, babysitting, comments, emails, and phone calls! You have no idea what a source of strength that is to me as I struggle daily to improve my life.

*Most importantly, A HUGE THANK YOU to my husband and my kids!! They have sacrificed A LOT for me to take part in this competition. Scott has altered his work schedule so I can go to our nutrition class and has been a "single parent" many nights so I can work out. He has encouraged me, complimented me, supported the menu changes, and picked up the slack around the house when I am too sore to move. I love you Scott and appreciate you more than I can express!! My kids have missed out on time with Mommy, but they know I am going to exercise. When I come home, they always tell me how proud they are of me! It doesn't get any better than that.

*To those of you who are reading about my journey, I hope I can inspire you in some way to make changes in your life. I promise you, the reward is worth it!!

My Motivation

In case you are wondering what my motivation is for competing in the 100 Day Heart Challenge...

This is my husband and best friend!! He has been a part of my life for 18 years and I feel truly blessed to have him in my life. I want to be healthy so we can spend a VERY long life together!!

My sweet miracle babies, who aren't babies any more. I want to be a great example of an active, healthy parent. I want us to try all kids of physical activities with them. I want to see them grow up and have families of their own.

Lastly, I want to get healthy for ME!! I want to look at a mirror and like what I see! I want to be in photos and not cringe when I see them. I want to have a wonderful, happy, long life with the people I love!!


This is a warning...if you don't want to know too much information, STOP READING!!!

If you're still reading, you can't say I didn't warn you :)

OK, I have a huge pet peeve. I am annoyed with the whole plus size clothing industry. (Yes, in case you didn't know, I am a plus size girl.) I hate that finding decent clothes is a chore. Don't get me wrong, I like to shop, but I don't think finding a needle in a haystack is fun! There are only a few stores to choose from and sometimes all they have is garbage! No, I don't want to wear a tent and no way do I want to show that much skin!! However, my biggest pet peeve is finding a plus size sports bra!! I guess they think if you are plus size that you don't want to exercise-WRONG. Granted, not all plus sized women are well endowed, but I am. For the first half of this challenge I was using 2 different sports bras, one that was good and one that wasn't. I knew I needed to get another one, but where. It isn't like I can walk into any store and get one! The selection is basically non-existant. To make a long story short, my life has been turned upside down by the Runner's Corner.

I know what you are thinking, "What in the world does the Runner's Corner have to do with bras?" Well, EVERYTHING!! My mom and I went there to get another pair of shoes (which has also been life altering) and while wandering through the store, I saw there rack of sports bras. I don't know why I looked because why in the world would they have MY SIZE! Surprisingly they did and my life will never be the same. I have learned that I had NO IDEA what a sports bra was!! I am ready to burn the 2 I have and buy stock in Moving Comfort sports bras!! So, ladies, if you are looking for a great sports bra, head to the Runner's Corner!!

Pain in the...

well, there isn't just one place! It is more like pain in my ENTIRE body!! Last night was the most intense, grueling workout we have had since this challenge began. Let's just say, a 6% incline feels like a warm up or cool down after doing a 12% incline at 3.6 speed for 12 minutes! Thank goodness it wasn't 12 minutes in a row!! After 40 minutes on the treadmill, Catherine let us choose the eliptical or the bike. I started out on the eliptical and quickly changed my mind. I needed to finish my workout sitting down :-) Good thing she didn't make me do lunges.

Having a trainer has been a HUGE blessing. I have done exercises and been pushed like never before!! There is no way I could have gotten to this place on my own and it was what I needed to get started to a healthier life. I have muscles I never had before! It is incredible to me that my endurance has increased so much! I love how working out makes me feel :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Only 6 Weeks Left

When I sat down and counted the weeks left of the challenge, I was so sad that we only have 6 weeks left!! Can't it be more like the 6 Month Heart Challenge?! I have learned so much, but there is so much more I need to learn. I love having someone to push me in the gym and I love the exercise schedule I've gotten myself into!! I guess when the challenge is over, I will just have to make adjustments and keep on going :) I think I better start a plan now because I don't want to be wondering what to do when May 24th rolls around.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Feelin' Better

It is true...exercise makes you feel better :) Today has been a discouraging day and I wasn't sure how my workout would be. We haven't met with our trainer in a week and during our last workout with Catherine I had to stop because I was feeling sick. You add my weight gain and my lack of energy to that and I wasn't sure I was ready to work out!! I'm thrilled to say it was a GREAT workout...hard, but so good!! Level 7 felt brutal on the bike, but I survived. I can tell I didn't exercise hard enough or lift enough weights during my vacation, but I will know better next time. All in all, today turned out to be a pretty good day. Here's to the start of a new week and some new goals!!


Well, today I must admit that I am feeling discouraged! I gained weight on my trip and I know it is because I should have eaten better. I kept telling myself that it wouldn't hurt if I had a little taste of this and a bite of that. Well, it did hurt because the scale was higher today :-( I have got to figure out how to get myself back on track with my food.

Today I feel sore, tired, grumpy, and under the weather and desperately want to take a NAP!! No such luck in getting a nap, but I hope my energy level picks up before our appointment with Catherine. It has been a week since our last personal training with her and I'm worried I won't be able to keep up.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Insight Into Me

For many years, friends and family have lovingly teased me about my love of clothes or about how much I change my hair. Yes, Eddie Bauer is my best friend as well as several other stores. I love finding great deals on high quality clothes. As for my hair, I have had it styled many different ways and have had it colored pretty much any color...except black and the colors of the rainbow :) There is a method to all of my madness!!

You see, I use my clothes and my hair as a disguise. I feel like if people are looking at my clothes and hair, then they won't see me...the part I'm most embarrassed about. For years I have hid behind those things because they were easy to change, something I wished I could do with my body!!

My hope with this challenge is that I can get my body to where I am healthy and comfortable so I can use clothes and hair to accentuate my body rather than hiding it!!

Workout Report

Well, we just got back from the Community Center and had a good workout!! We did the treadmill, the bike, and we lifted some weights. It was nice to sweat :) I was proud of us for going someplace unfamiliar to workout...even though it felt a little strange, we jumped right in and got moving and sweating. We didn't do the eliptical. The ones they had were very different than what we are used too and couldn't seem to get into a rhythm. That's OK, I will wait to ride the beast until I get home. Until then, we will head to the Community Center for the next 2 days to keep working out!

On the Road

Well, this is my first time traveling on the challenge. My mom and I traveled to Arkansas yesterday to visit my sister who just had a baby. I have been worried about how traveling would affect my routine. Well, it hasn't been too bad. Granted, eating airport food isn't the best, but we found a nice salad to eat for lunch. We didn't get our workout in yesterday, but we did get some walking around the airport. Today we are headed to the community center to work out and it is going to feel good, especially after missing a day. As the trip goes, I will let you know of any insights I come across to help with making travel easier :)

All I have to say though is this 80 degree weather sure is nice! I'm not missing the snow at all!!

I'm Back!!

I know I have been on hiatus for a little while. I don't know why I haven't been blogging...I guess from discouragement mostly. I didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to share. I don't have problems fitting in my exercise and I really enjoy how it makes me is the eating I am discouraged about...especially on the weekends. Sometimes with taking care of my two little ones I don't make time to eat lunch and then I end up grazing all afternoon. I need to find the best way to combat it!!! When I eat poorly, then I feel poorly! I have got to figure out the best way to stick to my eating plan.

My workouts have been good. Just as soon as I am getting COMFORTABLE with my workout, Catherine mixes it up and takes my breath away :) It is incredible to think I started on the eliptical on level 1 and the bike on level 4 and how much that has changed!! I can't believe Catherine had me on a 14% incline on the treadmill on Monday!! I never would have done that before!! The weights I am lifting are building real muscle I can feel. WAHOO!! Monday's workout was brutal!! Catherine worked us hard and for whatever reason it really got to me and I started feeling sick. I had to stop before finishing my workout and rest. It killed me to not be able to finish my workout, but I knew my body was telling me that was enough. It is nice to know my body is being worked that hard!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Birthday Celebrations

So, last week was my daughter's 4th birthday. I can't believe that much time has passed since we got her :) We celebrated on a couple different days so we could spend time with our family members and boy did I do a few "Uh Oh's"!! I should have stuck with one piece of cake on one occasion instead of one piece of cake on several occasions!! It did however teach me a lesson...even though it looks good and tastes good, my body doesn't like it!! For the past few days I have felt yucky and I know it is from the sugar I had over the weekend. It is nice to know my body has detoxed from the garbage and it will let me know if it doesn't like what I am eating.

That Darn Mirror!!

OK, I know I have lost weight and I know that I have lost inches, but I just can't see it. I thought by now I would be able to SEE the difference!! What I'm afraid of is that I will always see myself as a fat person.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Movin to the Music

I know everyone has their own thing to keep them going during workouts. For me, I HAVE TO listen to music...the more upbeat the tempo the better :) I have created a playlist to give you a sampling of songs I like to listen to. Check it out on the bottom of my blog and see if there are any songs you like. I'm always looking to add more songs to my playlist, so let me know what your favorites are.

Morning Workout

Today is my first morning workout and I have to say, I am not a fan!! I guess my brain and my body aren't quite ready to go at 6:00 a.m. I felt very sluggish and couldn't seem to get into a rhythm. I think I'm going to avoid morning workouts if at all possible, but it seems to be a popular choice for many people. In fact, I was surprised how many people were there!! As for me, I think I'm going to stick with my 3 p.m. workouts. For one thing, it isn't busy at all and for another, that is what my body seems to like! What I'm wondering is...what time is most beneficial for maximum results? Does it even matter? Any ideas???

Thursday, March 25, 2010


All I have to say is that today's workout was BRUTAL!!! I have never worked so hard in all my life. Catherine just keep pushing me for more and it felt really good. Honestly, I didn't know I could give so much. If it had just been me, I wouldn't have expected as much and that is what I love about this program. I love having someone to push me to work harder and longer :) It was a GREAT workout. Now, all I need is a massage and a soak in a hot tub....maybe in my dreams :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ho Hum

Not a good day today for food and I didn't get a chance to exercise!! I really missed working out...good thing I'm seeing Catherine tomorrow. I hope she works me hard.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Climb"

My trainer Catherine introduced me to the song "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus which I had never heard before. You see, we watch the Disney Channel at my house but kids are too young to be interested in Hannah Montana, so the song was new to me. Now if you need the words to "Hot Dog" from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I'm your gal!!

As I listened to the words, I was hit with the power of their message and how much it related to me and my desire to lose weight. In fact, I felt like the words were written just for me!! I know this battle is going to be hard ad I will falter at times, but I know this time I will be successful!! I know I will always have to work at it, but I know I can do it!!

The Climb

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
The pain I'm knowing
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Quote

"All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin." John F. Kennedy

It really got me thinking. I'm not going to be able to accomplish all my weight loss goals in the course of this 100 day challenge, but it is giving me the tools and the knowledge to continue on after the 100 days are over. I know it is going to be a challenging road at times and there will be discouragement, but I have NEVER felt so hopeful about getting my weight and health back on track!! I might not win the 1st place prize at the end of this 100 days, but I have won my life back and I know I will never go back to the way I was!!

Teams, let's all keep up the good work!! We have done so much more than just beginning, we are working hard at changing our lives. I know we all have struggles and set backs, but we can do it!!! See you all in the gym :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Devilish Delivery

The hardest part of this challenge has been with part of my diet! I haven't had a problem with the exercise, in fact I look forward to my daily sweat fest!! What is hard for me is the darn sweets. Why oh why do I like them so much?? Well, now my resolve to eat better will be challenged...I just got a delivery of Girl Scout Cookies!! Yep, the little girl in the green beret got to me and I ordered cookies. OK, not really, I love supporting my niece and I love the cookies!! Now I need to figure out how to work that into my menu. Better yet, I will have my husband hide them from me :) It isn't that I can't have them, I just can't have the whole box. I know that eating sweets is going to be a struggle for the rest of my life, but now that I admit it I can keep working on it!


Yes, I went to yoga class on Saturday and I really enjoyed it! Thanks for a great class Julianne :) Now, I did enjoy it but I was not good at it. I have never done yoga before, so most of the moves and stretches felt very unnatural, but it felt good to try something new. I'm sure if I would have been a bystander I would have gotten a good laugh watching myself!! I felt like I got a good workout and a great stretching of my muscles, but I had no idea how great until later last night. With all the working out and weightlifting I have done since the challenge, the yoga has caused the most stiffness and soreness I have EVER felt!! I was in so much pain last night as I tried to go to sleep and 800 mg of Advil did nothing for it! Thankfully I am feeling better today :) What I have realized with this is I need to have more variety in my exercise . Starting now, I'm going to include yoga in my exercise routine.

I can't even express my gratitude for being part of this program!! I have learned so many amazing things and been introduced to things that are changing my life every day!! I am active, happy, and getting healthier every day! Thank you to all of you who have made this possible!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Where Oh Where...

has my sweatband gone...where oh where can it be?"

Laugh if you want, but any of you who have seen me in the gym know I sweat. I'm not talking a few little drops. I'm talking sweat like the gallon I must have left at the gym today!! Well, I'm missing one of my sweatbands and it is putting a cramp in my style...if you can call it style. I guess it is the "keep that sweat that is rolling off my forehead from drowning my eyes" style. I suppose I will just have to give in and buy one for every day of the week!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today I've been thinking a lot about comparisons and how they are usually to our detriment! With this challenge, I find myself making comparisons and it isn't helping me!! When I go to the gym and see other couples working out, I marvel at how fast they are doing the eliptical, the amount of weights they are lifting, or watching them do lunges across the room. I start to feel inadequate and wonder if I'm not working hard enough or if I just don't have the ability to accomplish what they are doing. I look at others and see they are looking thinner, but yet I can't see it in myself. I look in the mirror and see the same person who started this challenge.

Well, I came to a realization on the bike today...this isn't about comparisons, well it is, but it isn't. The comparisons we make aren't between each other, but within ourselves. The success of this challenge isn't if I can keep up with everyone else, but if I can change and improve myself. I started this challenge at a different level than everyone else, so my progress and my path will be very different. I know the only way to judge my success is by how I am doing and changing. Granted, it is hard to judge-I can't check my cholesterol or body fat percentage every other day to see the changes. I can only go on the amount of weight I've lost, my stamina level, and the way my clothes fit, which aren't always the most concrete ways to judge.

So, I've decided to made an attitude adjustment! I am no longer going to compare myself to others and focus my energy on making myself more heart healthy!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rough Roads

The past two weeks have been very difficult for me and I'm sad to say I haven't eaten as well as I should. I have been great about my exercise but I have really blown it with my food. I guess my trick is balancing everything when a curve ball is thrown at me. I do really well when life is going smoothly but as soon as I get a wrench thrown in the works, I get off course to easily. I am really hoping for a good week this week...I need a good week. The time remaining in the challenge is flying by and I want to make sure I make the most of it and change my life!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fabulous Food Find!!

I found a great new food that has revolutionized my diet. Maybe that is a bit dramatic but it really is a nice change :) I found these light flatbreads that are loaded with fiber and each one is only about 8 net grams of carb. WAHOO!! I found them at Harmon's but I'm sure you could find them anywhere. If you can't find them, you can place an order on their website! Check out their website for fabulous recipes I have used the flatbreads for wraps with meat, cheese and veggies and today I made a yummy pizza! I used pizza sauce, diced canned tomatoes-drained, yellow bell pepper, chopped fresh spinach, turkey pepperonio, and cheese. I was DELICIOUS and even my 3 year old son loved it. Try it and you will love it too!

I Feel A Change!!

One of my favorite workout songs is the dance version of "Change" by Kimberley Locke!! There is something in that beat that gets my feet moving. Here is the chorus that I feel is appropriate for my 100 Day Heart Challenge journey.

I Feel The Change Babe
Washing Over Me
I Feel The Rains Babe
Coming To Set Me Free
Its A One Way Track Aint Coming Back
The Train's About To Leave
I Feel The Change Coming Over Me

I can feel changes in my body since my journey began and it was very noticeable tonight!! I have several Biggest Loser workout videos that I use occasionally for my workouts, but it has been about 10 days since the last time I did one. Well, tonight I thought I would give it a go for some variety. I WAS SHOCKED!! For the first time, I was able to keep up and only had to take a quick rest or two. If felt great to not be left in the workout dust!! It is great to see all these little changes that will hopefully add up to some BIG CHANGES!!

So readers and fellow contestants, what changes are you noticing from your exercise and eating?? What music gets you moving??

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Why is it when I am faced with stress all I want to do is eat? The more fattening and chocolatey the better. Right now I have one sick child sprawled out in my bed, the other sick child snoring in his room, and a sick husband on his way home from the ER with my brother and all I want to do is EAT!!! I just keep telling myself..."STAY AWAY FROM THE FOOD!!"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad Eating Week

This week has not been the week for eating especially. In fact, I am feeling sick to my stomach!! It is amazing that these changes I began 3 weeks ago have already had a profound effect on my body. Putting "cheap fuel in my engine" is wreaking havoc on my body in a way it never has before and I feel myself craving healthy, delicious, simple food.

I am discouraged about how I have eaten, but I know I can turn it around and end the day eating right and recommit to having a better week!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Favorite

I have a new favorite meal!! I have always been a big fan of yogurt, but many of the "light" yogurts leave much to be desired...that is until now!! I really like the Weight Watchers yogurt. It is flavored with Splenda, so it doesn't have the aftertaste that Yoplait has. It has the same number of calories and similar fat grams, but WW has fiber. I love mixing a cup of blueberries (the ones from Costco lately have been YUM) with my yogurt, a rolled up slice of Boar's Head turkey lunchmeat, and some raw, crunchy vegetables with some Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch dip made with fat free sour cream. DELICIOUS!!

Shift in Thinking

I realized today that I already have a huge shift in my thinking. Pre-100 Day Heart Challenge, I wouldn't have thought twice about not exercising and if I did exercise, any amount of time was fine. Now that I have started this adventure I realize that I look at exercise very differently!! I am proud to say that I haven't missed a workout since Feb.12! I can't seem to get through the day without making a plan to exercise and I look forward to that. (I realize I am very lucky...many of my fellow participants work outside the home, including my mom who works 10 hours a day, and finding time to exercise is difficult. My hats off to all you!!) Today was especially interesting. Because of several things going on today, I only had time to fit in a 45 minute workout and I was surprised I felt like a slacker!! I know 45 minutes is nothing to complain about, but I actually missed the additional 15-45 minutes I usually spend while working out! I was ready to scream, "I LOVE EXERCISE"!! If I can change my thinking, so can get up and burn some calories :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pain, Pain...Feelin' Pain!!

I don't know what I did yesterday, but I have been in pain today!! Whatever I did has made my Fibromyalgia and my RA go crazy!! I can honestly say I don't remember ever being in this much pain. I am going to take it easy and hope that this flare up calms down soon!!

On a better note, Scott and I went on a date yesterday to see the movie Invictus. It was INCREDIBLE!! I know it was very touching for Scott and very reminiscent of the time he lived in South Africa. So I wouldn't give into movie munchies I took some apple slices, some raw green beans (I love them raw!!), and some water. It helped me get in more fruits and veggies and I didn't feel deprived while others around me were munching. I will definitely do this again. Thanks Ali for setting the example by taking in some healthy snacks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have been trying to figure out how and when to reward myself and I haven't figured out the best way. I don't want to reward for weight loss because this about more than a number on the scale. Do I reward for days exercised or good food days? Any ideas??

Calling All Cheerleaders!!

If you are reading this, I am talking to you!! Yes you! I don't care if you are a casual reader or if you check my blog daily, I need your help. I would love to hear what you have to say...about anything. I would love your words of support, suggestions, or your own weight loss story!! Better yet, why don't you start your own 100 Day Heart Challenge!! Start out by get moving!! What are you doing for exercise? What do you love to do to get your heart rate up? Whatever you do, don't be a silent blog stalker. Give me a shout!!

Feelin' the BURN!!

Wow, am I feeling the burn!! Our workout with Catherine tonight was AWESOME!! I love having her there to maximize my workout and teaching me new things. I know I would be overwhelmed if I was doing this on my own. Honestly, I probably wouldn't be doing it. The thought of walking into a gym, any gym, as an overweight person is discouraging. But having the tools, knowledge, and support makes all the difference in the world!! Catherine is a great motivator and teacher. Every session I look forward to working out-something I never did before. I love working out with my mom and the chance we have to support each other and laugh. I am grateful that when the challenge is over I will have the tools to keep myself on the pathway to a healthier heart :-)

The POWER of Food!!

Do you ever wonder how or why food is so powerful?? We use it to celebrate any number of things-weddings, babies, birthdays, graduations, awards, promotions and the list goes on and on. We also use it comfort us-breakups, death, rejection, poor performance, failure, etc. Why do we think food is going to help us, when in fact all it really does is cause us harm. I know we need food to function, that isn't the food I'm referring too. When I'm down, I do not go looking for the celery and carrots to cheer me up :-) I'm taking about the fattening, sugary, chocolately goodness we think will cure all ills and make our celebrations better!!

You see, I was just faced with that very situation today. Someone I love dearly was faced with some discouraging news. In the long run, it probably is the best thing but it is still hard to feel rejected. In trying to find ways to comfort or encourage this person, the first thing that came to my mind was FOOD!!!! I literally thought, maybe I should suggest going out for dinner to help lift our spirits. What am I thinking?? Going out to eat isn't going to make anything better!! What do we think food is going to do, make a teacher change a grade from a C to an A, is it going to make that girl change her mind about going out with the guy at work, or is it going to the boss change his mind on who to hire?? I think that is the biggest key I am faced with in this challenge, changing my relationship with food and taking back the power I give it in my life. Now that doesn't mean I'm never going to celebrate. I'm going to allow myself to eat birthday cake, but just one piece and not at every person's birthday. (I guess that means no cake to celebrate my dog's birthday on Saturday!!) The secret for me is to find the balance, variety, and moderation that is ideal for my health and happiness.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Have a Great Idea!

That is something I hear from my kids several times a day!! Honestly, they do have some great ideas :) Well, I think I have come up with a great idea. I think we should all get together for a potluck dinner. It would give us a chance to give each other support and encouragement and introduce each other to new, healthy recipes.

What do you think??

Rough Day

I know we are all going to have difficult days over the course of the 100 Days and today happened to be one of mine. First of all, I woke up not feeling very well. I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and the events of the past week have taken their toll on my body! I woke up this morning with aches and pains all over my body!! I was glad that I wasn't going to be exercising today and that I could give my body a rest. It was also discouraging to feel so bad. I know all this exercising and weight training is quite a shock to my body, but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to feel this much pain. I can only hope that resting today will help me feel better tomorrow, especially since we are meeting our personal trainer!

Another side effect of me not feeling well is I have eaten very well!! Since I haven't had much energy today I have just grabbed whatever is easiest rather than what is healthiest. Believe me, I am feeling it!! After a week of eating really well, the food I have eaten today has made me feel very sick to my stomach. I am so upset with myself!! I hope I haven't undone all the hard work I have done the past week. However, it has helped me see just how different I feel when I eat better and I have recommitted myself to eating better not just for the 100 Day Heart Challenge, but for the rest of my life!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fabulous Finds

Well, I have two wonderful products I have found that I love!! First I learned about the Orowheat Sandwich Thins. They are a great alternative to bread or buns. They are low calorie, high fiber and they make an AWESOME sandwich!! I have used it for a turkey sandwich with avocado and spinach and as a burger bun for my second new favorite product-Morning Star Farms Black Bean Burger. This burger is fantastic!! All it takes is 2 minutes in the microwave and you've got a high fiber, high protein meal!! It has a little spice to it, which I think is great. We ate it with avocado and I'm sure it would be delicious with a little salsa and fat free sour cream! Both of these products are available at Costco.

What fun foods are you finding??

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goodbye Hopelessness

You know that overwhelmed feeling you have when you start something new, when you aren't sure if you are doing it the right way?? That is what I have felt every time I have started a new diet. There is so much to remember! There is a long list of things I shouldn't eat, new exercises I haven't done before, equipment I don't have, food to weigh and measure. I usually get to the point of losing hope that I will be successful. I have gotten so tired of that feeling that I just stopped trying to lose weight. I couldn't take another diet failure to damage my self-esteem, that is what little I have left because of my weight!! With all that said, I was SHOCKED that I decided to sign up for the Heart Challenge. Private failure is one thing, failure for all of Utah County to see is a whole different story!! For whatever reason, I took the leap and applied and I am SO GLAD I DID!!!

For the first time in my life, I don't feel hopeless about losing weight!! I feel excited about the things I'm learning! It feels great being surrounded by people who want to help me be successful!! I love having someone to show me what exercises to do and what I'm doing wrong. I love the sense of accomplishment I get every time I eat healthy and exercise!! Most importantly, I am feeling good about myself!!

Thank you to all of you who are helping me change my life!!!

Yummy Black Bean Salsa recipe

If you need a new food idea, this is absolutely delicious!!

2-15 oz cans of black beans, rinsed and drained
1-17 oz package frozen whole kernel corn, thawed
2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 large avocado, peeled and diced
1 small onion, diced
i jalapeno, seeded and diced
1/8 to 1/4 cup copped fresh cilantro leaves
2 T lime juice
1 T red wine vinegar
salt and pepper

Mic all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Taste and add salt, pepper, or more lime juice as necessary. Eat immediately or cover and chill overnight for a stronger flavor. Serve with tortilla chips as an appetizer, or with grilled chicken as a meal.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


With the start of the 100 Day challenge, I've been trying to look at my life and figure out what I do to sabotage myself and change my behavior to ensure a successful outcome.

In the past when I have 'been on a diet', I have made certain foods off limits. So what do I start to do, obsess about that particular item. Sometimes I can avoid giving in to the temptation, sometimes I try and find a replacement food and find satisfaction, or I eventually give in and eat the item. When I give in, I immediately feel guilty and feel like a failure! At the end of the day, I always commit to do better tomorrow. Does this vicious cycle sound familiar?? With the start of this program, I started reading the recommended book Intuitive Eating. I have been surprised at how much I am enjoying it. In fact, it is almost like a light bulb has turned on. The authors talk about how we can and should include all foods in our diet. When we don't make foods forbidden and instead listen to what our bodies want, we won't feel deprived and participate in binge eating. I decided to put this to the test and I have been pleased with the result. In the past, I have had to have chocolate every day. Not healthier dark chocolate, not sugar free chocolate, but the full fat yummy stuff. I knew I shouldn't eat it, but the temptation was too great! Well, this time I decided that I wasn't going to make any foods off limits-even chocolate-and see what sounded good to my body. I have been pleasantly surprised at how I have eaten and how I feel about myself. I have eaten very well and I don't feel deprived in any way. Instead I am enjoying wonderful, healthy food. I can honestly say I haven't craved chocolate or sugar!! I know there will be days that I struggle, but I'm not going to make myself feel guilty because nothing is off limits.

Another way I sabotage myself with food has to do with the timing of my meals. Some days I get so busy with my 2- 3 year old toddlers that I don't eat regular meals. Many days I skip lunch because I am so caught up in other things that I don't take the time to make myself lunch. I always think I will grab something when AJ goes down for his nap, but what I usually do is grazing all afternoon until dinner. Then, a few hours after dinner I am hungry so once again I start the snacking. It has been especially bad the past several months as I have been dealing with some intense stress. It has been discouraging to see the extra weight come on. How do I stop this evil habit?? I need to find a way to work structured meals into my day.

I also find myself sabotaging my sleep habits. When we finally get the kids in bed at night, I just want to relax and spend time with my husband. Inevitably every night we stay up way too late. I always have the best of intentions to get up early and exercise, but I am always way too tired. I always rationalize staying up late with any number of excuses. What I really need to do is to make a greater effort to go to bed early and get the rest I need.

I know there are more ways I sabotage myself, but these three are the ones I am going to work on right now. When I get them under better control, then I will move on to the others to continue improving my life and health!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why the 100 Day Challenge??

So, some of you may be wondering why I signed up to do this challenge. It isn't like me to do something so public about something so weight!! It will not be easy sharing my struggles and my weaknesses with people, some who are perfect strangers, but I'm going to jump right in and embrace the process of sharing my journey.

When I saw the ad for the Heart Challenge in the paper I was very intrigued. I have struggled with my weight for many years and have been unsuccessful in getting my body to a healthy weight. I figured I didn't have anything to lose by applying and I never anticipated being chosen. Imagine my surprise when Janet called to give me the GREAT news!! I'm going to give this challenge 100% because I want to change my life.

Here are just a few reasons why I entered the challenge:

1. I love my family! I have the world's greatest husband who is my #1 cheerleader in everything I do. I have two wonderful children who are an incredible blessing in my life. I am blessed with parents, siblings, in-laws and close friends that I want to spend many more fulfilling years with!!

2. My two toddlers are VERY energetic!! I want to be able to keep up with them and enjoy adventures. When we adopted Julia & AJ, we promised their birth mothers we would give them the best life we could. To me that means a mother who can keep up with them and live a long, happy, loving life with them!! I want to be an example of an active, healthy lifestyle!

3. I want to lose weight and see if it will reverse the infertility that has plagued me. I love my two children dearly, but I still feel that I have missed out on what it feels like to be pregnant and some of the amazing experiences of childbirth. I know people will say, "Be glad you don't have the stretch marks" or "Prepare yourself for being uncomfortable for 9 months". I know they mean well, but it is so much more than that!!

4. For those of you who really know me, you know that I LOVE clothes...I mean LOVE clothes!! Well, when you are a plus size girl, your options for attractive clothing are very limited-believe me, I have searched high and low for the most fashionable clothes. I want to be able to walk into any store, or even just Eddie Bauer, and buy whatever I want off the rack! I don't want to have to order it on the Internet or go to a specialty store (aka, the Fat Lady Store). I know, it's vain!!

5. I'm the heaviest I have ever been and I hate it! It makes me feel terrible about myself and I hate feeling this way. I want to look in the mirror and be proud of who I am on the outside and the inside. I try to tell myself that I don't care what people think, but that's a lie. I do care and I don't want people to think poorly of me.

6. Since I have gained so much weight, I have given up some things that I enjoy. I want to go back to one of my favorite places, Cedar Point, and spend days riding roller coasters until my heart's content!! I want to ride a zip line and not worry if I weigh too much. I want to fit comfortably in an airplane seat.

7. I want to find the real me that is hiding in her somewhere!!

I'm sorry if I am being too personal, but this is what I hope to achieve. I ask you-my family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, even perfect strangers to give me and my fellow contestants your encouragement and support. Without you, success will be impossible!!

Welcome to my Journey!!

For those of you who don't know, my mother and I have been chosen to participate in the 100 Day Heart Challenge. It is a competition made up of 10 teams of 2. From February 12 to May 22 we are going to work our hardest to be the team to make the biggest improvement in our heart health. We are being given many tools to help us be successful-a gym membership, a personal trainer twice a week, weekly nutrition classes, and as much support and encouragement as we need!! Please follow along my journey as well as the others participating in the program. We hope to inspire you to improve your heart health too!!