Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rough Day

I know we are all going to have difficult days over the course of the 100 Days and today happened to be one of mine. First of all, I woke up not feeling very well. I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and the events of the past week have taken their toll on my body! I woke up this morning with aches and pains all over my body!! I was glad that I wasn't going to be exercising today and that I could give my body a rest. It was also discouraging to feel so bad. I know all this exercising and weight training is quite a shock to my body, but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to feel this much pain. I can only hope that resting today will help me feel better tomorrow, especially since we are meeting our personal trainer!

Another side effect of me not feeling well is I have eaten very well!! Since I haven't had much energy today I have just grabbed whatever is easiest rather than what is healthiest. Believe me, I am feeling it!! After a week of eating really well, the food I have eaten today has made me feel very sick to my stomach. I am so upset with myself!! I hope I haven't undone all the hard work I have done the past week. However, it has helped me see just how different I feel when I eat better and I have recommitted myself to eating better not just for the 100 Day Heart Challenge, but for the rest of my life!!


  1. Brittany..
    I am sooo sorry today was so rough for you, there is NOTHING worse than not feeling well (except maybe when a hubby is sick, then it is miserable for everyone :) he he), anyhow I hope that you were able to get a lot of rest...
    I was talking to my mom, several times today & I was telling her the same thing you mentioned, that today was a hard day....I just don't eat or drink enough on Sundays, why is that?? I guess I figured that since it should be a day of rest, I will rest my jaw too, so I am feeling the effects of not eating enough veggies & giving in for that ONE chocolate chip cookie I encouraged my son to make (what the heck was I thinking??)
    My mom was cute, she was all "And I have the opposite effect on Sundays, I eat everything in sight!!" She did the challenge 2 years ago, so she has been a good sound board & has given me a lot of good ideas & tips, since she is still going strong!!
    But enough about me, I just hope that you feel better soon....I think that I am going to start giving myself "rewards" for great weeks & I think I may have to check into massages!! What do you think??
    And yes my in-laws are in your ward, do you know them well? And where do you live from them??
    I told your mom that it would be fun to meet up with others at the gym, so hopefully we will see you there soon!
    Have a great week!! And take it easy!! (ya right with 2 preschoolers...but try anyhow!!)

  2. I hate to see my partner feeling down and out.
    :-( Let's pray those aches and pains away for a new week starting tomorrow. I know how hard it can be for you on those achey days. I'm glad you really rested today. I'm with Ali, a massage sounds really good about now.
    Love you too much

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I told mom that you're only one day closer to your next good day! We all have bad days when it comes to our eating, exercising, etc. But we can't let that get to us. Just dust yourself off and get ready for the next day! Keep going maybe one day soon we can run a race together. I am proud of you and mom.
