Friday, April 30, 2010

Feeling Off

For the past two weeks I have been feeling a little off. I have struggled with low energy levels all of my adult life. I go through every day feeling tired from the moment I get up until the moment I go to bed! It is exhausting, let me tell you. Well that all changed when this challenge started. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired, but the good kind of tired you get when you know you have worked hard!! Believe me, I have worked harder than ever before and I have loved this new found energy. I have not only accomplished so much exercise, but quite a bit in my every day life :) YIPPEE!! However, things have taken a downhill turn. For the past 2 weeks I have been completely exhausted and have had severe muscle pain. Yes, I know I have a chronic illness that causes those two symptoms, but I have never felt it to this degree!! I find myself dozing off at all times of the day totally unable to keep my eyes open. Weights that weren't bothering me are now making my muscles shake in protest. The eliptical that was becoming my friend has turned on me! I don't know what is going on, but I've got to figure this out soon. I really hate feeling off my game! I guess it is off to bed for me and hope for the best at the gym with Shan'tel tomorrow!!


  1. Hang in there for 3 more weeks at least. You are a great partner. I won't be able to understand those health challenges because mine are different but I appreciate how hard you have worked and hope you will feel better soon. What a great experience for both of us.

  2. You and your mom are a source of strength for me. I don't know your health problems, but two three year olds alone are enough to challenge anybody. To keep up with this Challenge is hard for me and all my children are long since grown. Frankly, I think you are doing wonders even if you don't feel like it.

  3. Brittany..
    sorry you are feeling so low right now...I hope that you will find strength from sources you didn't know you had....
    you inspire me in ways you might not even know!! I hope you have a restful weekend!!

  4. You are so dang cute. You are doing great, and I hope you are on the upswing. It was great to talk with you tonight. Keep that cute smile on your face, see you again soon.

  5. Hey, Good Luck with your race! Coming up soon - right? Don't push too hard... just enjoy the journey (and the accomplishment) :}
